Interface OutputColumnManager

public interface OutputColumnManager
Defines the manager for output columns of a custom step.
  • Method Details

    • onValue

      void onValue(String outputColumnName, LongFunction<?> evaluator)
      Generates the value of a output cell.
           outputColumnManager.onValue("Column Name", rowIndex -> {
                   String generatedValue = "Row " + (rowIndex + 1);
                   return generatedValue;
      outputColumnName - output column name as defined in the OutputLayoutBuilder.OutputColumnBuilder
      evaluator - the function to be executed to generate the cell value
    • onValue

      void onValue(String outputColumnName, BiFunction<Long,OutputCellBuilder,OutputCell> evaluator)
      Generates the value and set the CustomValueStyle of a output cell.
           outputColumnManager.onValue("Column Name", (rowIndex, outputCellBuilder) -> {
                   String generatedValue = "Row " + (rowIndex + 1);
                   return outputCellBuilder
      outputColumnName - output column name as defined in the OutputLayoutBuilder.OutputColumnBuilder
      evaluator - the function to be executed to generate the cell value and set the cell style